Steps to build your first Angular 2 Application.
Pasos para construir tu primera aplicación Angular2

Hey There!

First of all, I'd like show you How you can build your first Angular 2 Application, Ok Let's do it.

1.- You are going to need Visual Studio Code, Therefore you can download it from this URL. , This IDE is very powerfull and lightweight.

visual studio code
Visual Studio Code

2.- Now you need install nodeJS you must download it from this url., NodeJs comes included with npm, npm allow us to install differents kinds of packages into ours angular 2 applications, After you install it, please check whether NodeJS was installed succesfully using the command below.

node -v

node js version
Node JS Version

3. Now follow the next steps to install an Angular 2 Application, you need open a command prompt.

  • Install Angular CLI using npm.
Run this command  npm install -g @angular/cli  it can spend some minutes. Angular CLI helps us to build an Angular2 Application more fast.
  • Create a New Angular 2 Proyect using angular CLI.
Using the command prompt, you must be in a directory like D:/myAngular2Application and then run these commands."Where MYFIRSTPROJECT you can change it"


The Angular 2 project was created via Angular CLI
The Angular 2 Project was created

  • Now you have to install all the packages you project is going to need, Therefore you need to run this command.
npm install
  • Now your Angular2 Application is ready to run, now you only need to execute this command
ng serve

You have to open a browser to see the Application running, please navigate to http://localhost:4200/
AWESOME!!! is working.

The Angular 2 Project is running
The Angular 2 Project is running

Now we aregoing to use Visual Studio code to do some change, use visual studio code to open the project since this folder D:\myAngular2Application\MYFIRSTPROYECT

Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code

And we arrived to the end of this post, I hope you can write me some comments and if you have problem in any step feel free to ask me.


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